Sunday, May 16, 2010

Damn, I'm graduating?!

This post is about 2 weeks late, but hey, can't be on time for everything, but I do try.

Well, May 1st was closing night for SI's musical Cabaret. We did these little ceremonies that we do before closing night, like the passing on of the gypsy robe, which looked pretty ridiculous yet awesome at the same time. But the one thing that hit me hard was the ceremony of seniors passing from the production to the audience.

So what happened was that every student there who was a senior (including me) had their name called, and a Junior in the production would give said senior who was called a rose. Then the senior walked off the stage into the seats where the audience would be. When I was called, with the accidental pronunciation of Oilman instead of Oliman, I got my rose and headed down to the seats. Here I thought, "Alright, this is part of the ceremonies, nothing too big."

Boy was I wrong.

When I was in the audience looking at the rest of my friends, my family there on stage, life punched me right in the face; I'm leaving SI, where I've spent the last 4 years making monumental memories, and this was one of the last activities I would do here in my high school career. This was the point where my eyes started to tear and where I started to think "I don't want to leave! T~T" Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors flooded down to the seniors giving us hugs and saying stuff like "I'm gonna miss you!" That would make a grown man cry, and hell, I saw guys there that I thought couldn't cry cry.

But as always happens in life, all good things must come to and end. I'm happy for all the memories I've made at my school, and if I was given the opportunity to do it all again, I wouldn't take it. I wouldn't have done my 4 years any other way. Thanks SI class of 2010. And in the famous words of Frank Sinatra...

I did it my way. Good day to you reader.


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